Why Mediclaim ?

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Here are some reasons why a mediclaim policy is important.

We are surrounded by the increasing number of lifestyle diseases, and hospitalisation expenses, which is why mediclaim policy is inevitable. It offers a financial cushion in case of a medical emergency. At the same time, it offers various benefits such as

  • Cashless hospitalisation facility
  • A cost-effective way of obtaining healthcare services
  • Lowers financial burden
  • Offers peace of mind
  • Eliminates out-of-pocket expenses
  • The insurance company manages hospitalisation expenses
  • Offers individual as well as family floater mediclaim policies
  • Tax benefits are available on premiums paid towards mediclaim policy

Mediclaim policy coverage

Coverage under mediclaim policy varies from one policy to another. Following are some common expenses covered under a mediclaim policy.

Hospitalisation expenses :

It covers all the expenses incurred during hospitalisation, such as OT charges, blood, oxygen, chemotherapy, diagnostic procedures, x-ray, radiotherapy, pacemakers, radiotherapy, room rent, etc.

Daycare expenses :

Expenses incurred on technically advanced treatments which do not require hospitalisation for more than 24 hours such as cataract treatment, dialysis, etc.

Pre and post hospitalisation expenses :

Medical expenses incurred on hospitalisation for a period of 30 to 60 days prior to admission and up to 60 to 90 days after discharge are reimbursed. The number of days may vary from one policy to another.

Hospital room charges :

Expenses incurred room rent towards regular wards or ICU are fully compensated, or taken care of with cashless hospitalisation facility in the network hospitals.

Consultation fees charges by medical professionals :

Fees charged by the medical professionals, doctors, surgeons, etc. are compensated by the insurance company.

Benefits of Mediclaim Policy

Mentioned below are a few notable points that explain why mediclaim policy is beneficial.
Medical emergencies

A mediclaim policy can prevent any financial stress during medical emergencies.

Cost-effective :

Mediclaim policy is an affordable way to combat increasing healthcare costs.

Cashless facility :

Mediclaim policy offers cashless hospitalisation facility where the policyholder doesn’t have to spend any money from his/her pocket during medical emergencies. The insurance company settles the medical bills directly with the network hospital.

Tax benefit :

Investing in a mediclaim policy helps the policyholder to save on income tax under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961.